Modern technologies enabling innovative methods for maritime monitoring and strengthening resilience in maritime critical infrastructures
Agadir 15-20 January, 2024
Zdenek Dvorak
University of Zilina, Faculty of Security Engineering, Slovak Republic
Zdenek Dvorak in 1986 completed his university education in the field of Military Transport. Until 1987 he worked at the Regional Administration of Military Transport in Hradec Kralove. Since 1988, he worked as a researcher at the Research Institute in Zilina. In 1993 he successfully defended his dissertation and became a PhD. Since 1996 he worked as an assistant professor at the Military Faculty in Zilina. In 2000, after a successful habilitation procedure, he became associate professor. Since 2009 he has been Head of Research Department of Crisis Management. In 2011 he successfully inaugurated and was appointed professor. In 2015-2019 he was dean of the Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Zilina. He is currently professor, guarantor of the study program Security and Protection of Critical Infrastructure.
University of Sannio, Department of Engineering, Italy
PASQUALE DAPONTE was born in Minori (SA), Italy, on March 7, 1957. He obtained his bachelor's degree and master's degree "cum laude" in Electrical Engineering in 1981 from University of Naples, Italy. He is Full Professor of Electronic Measurements at University of Sannio - Benevento. He is Past Chair of the Italian Association on Electrical and Electronic Measurements, and Past President of IMEKO.
He is member of: Working Group of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technical Committee N°10 Subcommittee of the Waveform Measurements and Analysis Committee, IMEKO Technical Committee TC-4 “Measurements of Electrical Quantities”, Editorial Board of Measurement Journal, Acta IMEKO and of Sensors. He is Associate Editor of IET Science Measurement & Technology Journal. He is member of the Board of Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Naples Charter.
He has organised some national or international meetings in the field of Electronic Measurements and European co-operation and he was General Chairman of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technical Conference for 2006, Technical Programme Co-Chair for I2MTC 2015.
He was a co-founder of the IEEE Symposium on Measurement for Medical Applications MeMeA, now, he is the Chair of the MeMeA Steering Committee,
He is the co-founder of the;
- IEEE Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace,
- IEEE Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT,
- IEEE Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry,
- IEEE Workshop on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage,
- IMEKO Workshop on Metrology for Geotechnics,
- IEEE Workshop on Metrology for the Sea,
- IEEE Workshop on Metrology for Automotive,
He is involved in some European projects. He has published more than 340 scientific papers in journals and at national and international conferences on the following subjects: Measurements and Drones, ADC and DAC Modelling and Testing, Digital Signal Processing, Distributed Measurement Systems.
He received;
- in 1987 from the Italian Society of Ophthalmology the award for the researches on the digital signal processing of the ultrasounds in echo-ophthalmology,
- in 2009 the IEEE Fellowship,
- in 2009 the Laurea Honoris Causa in Electrical Engineering from Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi" of Iasi (Romania),
- the “The Ludwik Finkelstein Medal 2014” from the Institute of Measurement and Control of United Kingdom,
- in 2015, in the framework of Florence Academic Leader Programme, the “Florence Ambassador Award”,
- in May 2018 the “Career Excellence Award” from the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society “For a lifelong career and outstanding leadership in research and education on instrumentation and measurement, and a passionate and continuous service, international in scope, to the profession.”,
- in September 2018 the IMEKO Distinguished Service Award,
- in 2020 AESS Outstanding Organizational Leadership Award “For contributions to metrology for aerospace applications”.
Diego Galar
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Sweden
Dr. Diego Galar is Full Professor of Condition Monitoring in the Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering at LTU, Luleå University of Technology where he is coordinating several H2020 projects related to different aspects of cyber physical systems, Industry 4.0, IoT or Industrial AI and Big Data. He was also involved in the SKF UTC centre located in Lulea focused on SMART bearings and also actively involved in national projects with the Swedish industry or funded by Swedish national agencies like Vinnova. He is also principal researcher in Tecnalia (Spain), heading the Maintenance and Reliability research group within the Division of Industry and Transport.He has authored more than five hundred journal and conference papers, books and technical reports in the field of maintenance, working also as member of editorial boards, scientific committees and chairing international journals and conferences and actively participating in national and international committees for standardization and R&D in the topics of reliability and maintenance. In the is Full Professor of Condition Monitoring in the Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering at LTU, Luleå University of Technology where he is coordinating several H2020 projects related to different aspects of cyber physical systems, Industry 4.0, IoT or Industrial AI and Big Data. He was also involved in the SKF UTC centre located in Lulea focused on SMART bearings and also actively involved in national projects with the Swedish industry or funded by Swedish national agencies like Vinnova. He is also principal researcher in Tecnalia (Spain), heading the Maintenance and Reliability research group within the Division of Industry and Transport.He has authored more than five hundred journal and conference papers, books and technical reports in the field of maintenance, working also as member of editorial boards, scientific committees and chairing international journals and conferences and actively participating in national and international committees for standardization and R&D in the topics of reliability and maintenance.
Octavia A. Dobre
Memorial University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., Canada
Octavia A. Dobre (Fellow, IEEE) is a Professor and Research Chair at Memorial University, Canada. She was a Visiting Professor with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US and Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France. Previously, she was with New Jersey Institute of Technology and Stevens Institute of Technology, US and with the “Politechnica” University of Bucharest in Romania.
Her research interests encompass wireless communication and networking technologies, as well as optical and underwater communications. She has (co-)authored over 400 refereed papers in these areas.
Dr. Dobre serves as the Director of Journals of the Communications Society. She was the inaugural Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society and the EiC of the IEEE Communications Letters. She also served as General Chair, Technical Program Co-Chair, Tutorial Co-Chair, and Technical Co-Chair of symposia at numerous conferences.
Dr. Dobre was a Fulbright Scholar, Royal Society Scholar, and Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society. She obtained Best Paper Awards at various conferences, including IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE WCNC, and IEEE PIMRC. Dr. Dobre is an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
Hugo Plácido da Silva
University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Hugo Plácido da Silva was born in Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal, on August 25, 1979. He received his PhD (2015) and MSc (2007) degrees in Electrical and Computers Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon (UTL). Since 2004, he is a researcher at the Pattern and Image Analysis (PIA) group of Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), where he has been developing research on instrumentation, signal processing, data science, and systems engineering for biomedical applications. He is an ACM Senior Member since 2019 and IEEE Senior Member since 2018, affiliated with the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Furthermore, he is an active member of the IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter, where he currently holds the Vice-Chair position.
Hugo is also an award-winning inventor and entrepreneur, having co-founded multiple technological companies focused on creating cutting edge technologies for the healthcare sector, in which he held various executive and advisory positions since 2007. Both at a technical and scientific level, he has actively contributed to and participated in more than 50 national and international projects, funded by grants from Horizon 2020, Portugal 2020, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), and several other private and public institutions (e.g. Vodafone, Nokia, etc.). Hugo has 7 granted patents and published 200+ papers in peer reviewed journals, international refereed conferences, and book chapters.
His main interest interests include biosignal research, system engineering, signal processing, and machine learning, and his work has been distinguished both internationally and domestically with several awards, including the “Career Award alumniIPS” in 2018, the “Best Industrial and Enabling Technology” at the European Commission’s DG-CONNECT Innovation Radar Prize in 2017 with the project “BITalino”, the 1st place at the Ordem dos Engenheiros Young Engineer Innovation Award in 2015 with the project “BIT: Biosignal Igniter Toolkit”, just to name a few.
Patrícia Justo Bota
Instituto de Telecomunicações/University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Patricia Bota completed her MSc in Biomedical Engineering, at Universidade NOVA of Lisbon. She has worked as a research assistant student at Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research. At the moment, she is a PhD student at Instituto Superior Técnico and a researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações, where she is dedicated to the study of human group emotions in a naturalistic context through artificial intelligence algorithms based on physiological data. Her main research interests include artificial intelligence, affective computing and signal processing.
Francesco Romagnoli
Riga Technical University, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Latvia
Prof. Francesco Romagnoli graduated at the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy) as an Environmental Engineer at the Dept. of Georesources and Geotechnology in 2001.
He received his PhD from the Riga Technical University, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment in 2012 with the thesis: “Model for sustainable bioenergy production and use”.
During the period 2002-2008 he worked as a Geotechnical and Tunnelling Project Engineer in the Italian design Rocksoil S.p.A. (Milan, Italy).
Since 2020 he holds the position of full professor at the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University, with a specialization in LCA and Eco-design. Prof. Romagnoli leads the course of LCA and Eco-design, applied geophysics method, adapting to climate change: Risk and Resilience, and he is contributing to other courses such biotechnology and renewable energy sources.
The main research interests of Prof. Romagnoli are biogas (i.e., Biochemical Methane Potential tests, substrate characterization, pre-treatment processes, use of seaweeds and microalgae), LCA and System Dynamics modelling within techno-feasibility and sustainability evaluations of bioenergy pathways, urban system resilience as the capability to recover after extreme stress conditions, with an emphasis on energy infrastructure systems.
As head of the Biosystem Laboratory, the activity performed by prof. Romagnoli is more focused on: optimization of anaerobic digestion processes, upstream biomass pre-treatments methods, analysis of AD process parameters, evaluation of feasibility and identification of bottlenecks for industrial applications, microalgae as CO2 sink and interfaces for nutrient recirculation.
Recently Prof. Romagnoli established a consultation group actively working on applying LCA to support eco-labelling by Environmental Product Declaration (EPDs) and Product Environmental Footprint (PEF).
Maksims Feofilovs
Riga Technical University, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Latvia
Asist. Prof. Maksims Feofilovs graduated at the Riga Technical University as Philosophy Doctor of Environmental Science in the year 2020 with the thesis: “Dynamics of Urban Resilience to natural hazards”. During his studies he was an intern at European Commissions Joint Research Centre and obtained certificate in Advanced Studies in Public Governance and Administration at ETH Zurich. Currently, he is working as leading researcher at Riga Technical University Institute of Energy Systems and Environment within several national and international scientific projects and holds the position of Assistant Professor. He is involved in lecturing, student’s supervision, research, and project management activities. The main research interests of Asist. Prof. Feofilovs are Life cycle assessment and System Dynamics modelling within techno-feasibility and sustainability evaluations for bioeconomy, bioresource and bioenergy pathways, resilience assessment of urban systems, critical infrastructure and modelling of complex systems. He is also a lecturer in the subjects of Risk and Resilience and Life Cycle Assessment. He has actively contributed and published research articles in various international journals and conferences.
Luca De Vito
University of Sannio, Department of Engineering, Italy
Luca De Vito is Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering, University of Sannio in electric and electronic measurement. He received the National Academic Qualification as Full Professor in 2018. He is Editor of the ELSEVIER Measurement and Measurement:Sensors journals. He is member of the IEEE since 2010, he is member of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS), of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic System Society, and of the IEEE Standards Association. He is Senior Member of the IEEE since 2012. He is Member-At-Large of the IMS Administrative Committee (AdCom) for the term 2022-2025 and Region 8 Liaison. He is Member of the Technical Committee 10 (TC-10) of the IMS and Chairman of the Working Group on Digital to Analog Converter Testing. He is member of the AFCEA. He published more than 190 papers on international journals and conference proceedings, mainly dealing with measurements for the telecommunications, data converter testing and biomedical instrumentation.
Galya Marinova
Technical University of Sofia, Department of Technology and Management of Communication Systems, Bulgaria
Galia Marinova graduated as engineer with Master degree in electronics in 1988 in the Faculty of Radioelectronics (later splitted in Faculty of electronics, Faculty of Telecommunications and Faculty of Computer science) in Technical University-Sofia. She received a Ph.D. degree in 1994 in the Faculty of electronics in TUS with title of the Ph.d. thesis “Statistical approach, methods and tools for computer-aided design in electronics”. From 1995 she works in the Faculty of Telecommunications as senior assistant professor and since 2011 she’s associate professor in the same faculty. She’s responsible for research and innovation activities in the department “Technology and management of communication systems”. G.Marinova did one year post-doctoral research in CNAM-Paris, France in 1999/2000.
She has 10 doctoral students. G.Marinova is author and co-author of more than 100 scientific papers, G. Marinova was the general chair of IWSSIP’2022 conference, 1-3 June, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria. She’s coordinator of CEEPUS network project: CIII-BG-1103-07-2223. Modelling, Simulation and Computer-aided Design in Engineering and Management. She has experience as coordinator of several Erasmus+ projects with program and partner countries. She’s coordinator of IoT-ECO CBHE Erasmus+ project “IoT Green Transformation for Academic Society and Business Oriented Ecosystem in Western Balkans” and is also involved in some other national and international educational and research projects, like DRILA project in cooperation with CentraleSupelec, Rennes, France. She is participating in NATO Science for peace projects.
The recent research interests of G.Marinova are connected with the development of a virtual prototype of port for studying the IoT solutions for green transformation of the port.
Joaquin Del Rio Fernandez
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Dr Joaquin del Rio graduated in Telecommunications Engineering and Electronic Engineering in 1999 and 2002, respectively, and Phd on Electronics in 2010, from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). My research is focused on the area of Electronic Instrumentation, interoperability in marine sensor networks and wireless sensor networks. I have been a professor of Electronic Instrumentation in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia since 2001, and I teach the degrees in Marine Sciences and Technologies, Electronic Engineering, and the Master in Automation and Electronics industrial I have also taught at the University of Barcelona, and at the ISEN University of Brest.
I am currently director of the SARTI-MAR research group with the recognition of the Generalitat de Catalunya and president of the IEEE Ocean Enngineering Spanish Chapter.
Thanks to the joint research activity with the CSIC I am a member of the Tecnoterra Associated Unit at the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) through the Jaume Almera Institutes of Earth Sciences and the Institute of Sciences of Mar (since May 14, 2001). Given the technology transfer activity, the group I lead has ISO 9001:2015 certification for the field of application Electronic design, computer applications, environmental studies, training management for the company and Employment in IT and electronics, we are members of the Network of Technological Innovation Centers of the CIDEM of the Generalitat de Catalunya, technological agents recognized as TECNIO members.
My scientific career is related to underwater sensor networks, and research in different areas of electronics and telecommunications applied to sensor networks at sea. An important milestone in my career was the deployment of the Underwater Observatory for which I am responsible and IP, where I carry out a high percentage of my research activity.
Focusing on the last 6 years (2017-2022), my activity has been (and is) very intense given the high number of competitive research projects (25) that I have led or participated in. During these years, in the field of research, I continue to combine my activity as group director, the recruitment of resources, projects and personnel, with the tasks of project execution, theses management (4), and publication of the results in magazines and congresses. I have directed 4 doctoral theses during the last 6 years, one of them as an industrial doctorate. At present (2023) I direct 3 theses.
Research activities since 2017, following the design and construction of the Obsea underwater observatory, have focused on the implementation of interoperable marine sensor networks. The full operation of the OBSEA observatory, and its expansion with more nodes, equipment and infrastructure, has allowed an increase in internationalization (personal and of the group) through the interaction with research groups of the European networks (ESONET, EMSO- ERIC and JERICO-RI) and the American observatories (MBARI and Neptune).
In the last six years, scientific achievements have been reflected in the participation or leadership of 35 articles published in indexed journals, participation in numerous international congresses, as well as the contribution in different book chapters such as:
-Towards an optimal design for ecosystem-level ocean observatories (ISSN0078-3218),
- Ocean in-situ sensors: cross-cutting innovations. A new generation of interoperable oceanic passive acoustic sensors with embedded
processing, and, From sensor to user-interoperability of sensors and data systems. Sensor interoperability protocol for seamless cross-platform-sensor integration (DOI: 10.1016 / C2015-0-06798-3),
- Subsea optics and imaging (ISBN-13: 978-0857093417).
Currently (2023) I am IP of 3 national projects,
- Underwater Sensor Networks (...) to the remote monitoring of biological indicators, TEC2017-87861-R
-3D slag concrete manufacturing solutions for marine biotopes, TED2021-129760B-I00
-Long-Term Platform for the Observation of Marine Ecosystems: PLEC2021-007525
I am active on social networks, disseminating my activity and that of my research group on websites and social networks that can be followed at, which offers access to citizen participation activities, Citizen Science, and through from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Daniel Mihai Toma
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Daniel Mihai Toma received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi,” Iasi, Romania, in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 2012. He is currently a Member of the Research Group Remote Acquisition Systems and Data processing (SARTI), Electronic Engineering Department, UPC. His current research interests include electronic instrumentation, oceanographic techniques, autonomous underwater vehicles, wireless ad hoc networks, energy harvesting, interoperability in sensor networks, and synchronization and scheduling.
Luigi Sinapi
Italian Navy, Italy
Rear Admiral Luigi Sinapi was born in Grosseto (Italy) on August 27 1967. He joined the Naval Academy in Livorno (Italy) in 1985. Rear Admiral Sinapi was:
- Commanding Officer of the MIRTO Survey Vessel
- Commanding Officer of Frigate ZEFFIRO
- Commanding Officer of Destroyer DURAND DE LA PENNE
- Head of the Financial Planning, the Operations and Logistics departments of the Italian Navy General Staff
- Director of the Italian Hydrographic Institute from October 2015 to July 2020.
From 1st September 2020, Rear Admiral Sinapi has been elected IHO Director for six years, as responsible for coordinating IHO’s programme. Among the many medals and decorations he was awarded in the course of his career, RAdm Sinapi received the Commemorative Medal for the 11th Italian Expedition to Antarctica, NATO Medals for the former state of Yugoslavia and Kosovo operations, and the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (Knight). RAdm Sinapi earned the following:
- II level degree in Physics at the University of Lecce (Italy)
- I level degree in Navigation and Maritime Science at the University of Pisa (Italy)
- II level degree in International Diplomacy at the University of Trieste (Italy)
- II level master in Marine Geomatics at the University of Genoa (Italy) - IHO-FIG-ICA, Category A Hydrography
- Master in International Strategic and Military studies at the CASD, Centre for the Defense Higher Studies, Rome (Italy).
RAdm Sinapi taught hydrography and geodesy at the Parthenope University, Naples (Italy from 2001 to 2004, he was lecturer in various Italian Universities, and he has published a number of essays in national and international journals and reviews.
He has been member of a number of technical and scientific national and international committees in the fields of navigation, hydrography, cartography, marine geophysics and oceanography, particularly in the IHO as Chairman of the IHO MBSHC (Mediterranean and Black Sea Hydrographic Commission) from 2017 to 2019, and t h e I H O HSSC (Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee) from 2017 to 2020.
RAdm Sinapi is married to Mrs Loredana Lupoli and has two sons, Giovanni and Angelo. His hobbies are navigation, sailing, basketball and tennis.
Ilias Majdouline
Universiapolis, Morocco
PhD degree obtained at the University of Nancy 2 (France), Vice-president of Universiapolis, International University of Agadir (Morocco), since 2004 Co-founder and Director of the Technical University School of Agadir (within Universiapolis structure), since 2011 Director of the Research & Innovation Centre Henri Tudor in Agadir (branch office of the Public Research Centre Henri Tudor Luxembourg); invited professor at University of Lorraine (Metz, France), ENSAIA Nancy (France); coordinator of the international research and educational projects with Poland, France, China, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Spain, Italy: involved in SPS ATC/MYP NATO projects in 2018, 2019 and 2021.
Emanuele Della Volpe
Green Tech Solution, Italy
Aerospace Engineer of the Federico II University of Naples (vote 110 cum laude). Second level master's degree as aerospace designer at Campania Aerospace District (DAC). Attended in the design of the NGTP Aircraft (New Generation TurboProp) in collaboration with the Research Department of Leanardo-Aircraft Division. Researcher at the Department of Science and Technology of the University of Naples Parthenope on "Applications of Morphing wing technologies on light RPAS". Attended in the development of European project of autonomous parachute SISDA (System of Controlled Descent and Precision Landing) in collaboration with the Research Department of Atitech. In 2017 he participated in the European Plastic Buster project in collaboration with the University of Siena and the CIMA Foundation for the aerial monitoring by drones of plastic in the Pelagos Sanctuary of large cetaceans. In 2018 he completed the research path creating the innovative startup Green Tech Solution by developing the first automated marine robot for the remediation of the seas from plastic, patented with the name Litter Hunter. Winner of the Volcanically 4 and Volcanically 5 editions of the CSI Naples incubator. In 2020-2021 he won the StartupCampania regional tender with the Litter Hunter project and in 2021-2022 he coordinated the European project "HPC-Based Navigation Sistem for Litter Hunting" published in Futurities 2022 "The Simulation Based Engineering & Sciences Magazine". The "Green Tech Solution" SRL is a company that offers technologically innovative solutions for the environmental and industrial sector. The company develops innovative multifunctional technological solutions through interconnected air, land and sea unmanned systems with AI for the creation of new products and services. Today numerous collaborations have been formalized with Universities such as Federico II and Parthenope of Naples, University of Sannio, University of Siena, CNR, ENEA, IREA, DAC, ENAC, MAREVIVO, Legambiente, as well as with numerous entrepreneurial realities in the Italian territory.
Roberta Ivaldi
Italian Hydrographic Institute, Italian Navy, Italy
Roberta Ivaldi, PhD degree in Environmental Science, Sea Science, (Trieste University, 1997) and M.Sc. degree in Geological Science (Genoa University, 1993), has been Associate Professor in Marine Geology at the Italian Hydrographic Institute since 2008, member of GEBCO SCUFN (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans Sub- Committee on Undersea Feature Names) as IHO (International Hydrographic Organization) representative since 2016, member of the Tavolo Artico of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation as It Navy representative since 2016, member of the GEBCO IBCAO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans - International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean) Editorial Board since 2018, member of National Decade Committee of the UN Ocean Decade for Sustainable Development) since 2022. She is member of the Board of the Master in Marine Geomatics for Hydrography (University of Genoa – Italian Hydrographic Institute) recognized as IBSC Cat A Level and Cat B level Hydrographic Surveyor since 2008 and member of the International Doctorate Board in Earth and Marine Sciences (EMAS) University of Ferrara and University of Cadiz since 2013. She participated in several oceanographic cruises and research programs in the Mediterranean Sea, Northern Atlantic, Antarctica and Arctic. She is the scientific director of the multi-year It Navy HIGH NORTH (HN) program Last and the last six summers she was the scientist in charge (SIC) of the Arctic Geophysical Campaigns and recently she was in Antarctica in the aim of PNRA RESTORE Project (National Italian Antarctic Programme - Robotic-based invESTigation and mOnitoring Ross sEa). Her research focuses on integrated 3D integrated mapping, bottom and ice- water column, high resolution seismic stratigraphy, physical mechanical properties and microstructures of sediments.
Alan Oliveira de Sá
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Alan Oliveira de Sá holds a Ph.D. in Informatics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2019), received the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2015) and graduated in electronic engineering at the Rio de Janeiro Federal Center for Technological Education (2006). He served as an Officer in the Brazilian Navy (Lieutenant, Engineer) in the area of weapon systems from 2006 to 2013 and then as a professor of computer systems in the Brazilian Navy until 2021. He is currently Professor at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and member of the LASIGE - Computer Science and Engineering Research Centre. His research interests include cybersecurity, defense systems, control systems, and intelligent systems.
Sebastiano D'Amico
Department of Geosciences, University of Malta, Malta
Sebastiano D’Amico (Associate Professor) has been working at the University of Malta in the Department of Physics and the Department of Geosciences since 2010. Presently, he his the Head of Department of Geosciences. He was enrolled in the physics program of the University of Messina where he was awarded the title of Dottore in Fisica; he also holds a Ph.D. in geophysics. In 2005, he moved to Rome where he joined the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). In 2007, he moved to the USA to join the Saint Louis University (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department). His research interests are in the applied aspects of geophysics and geomatics. From 2016 to 2018, he also served as vice president of the European Seismological Commission. In the past few years, he also worked in the field of physics applied to cultural heritage and was involved in several national and international projects. Furthermore, he is involved in teaching activities on several study units offered by the University of Malta and the University of Messina (Italy). He also delivered lectures in different EU universities as well as the USA. He is the author of more than a hundred peer-reviewed publications. More details can be found at
Erika Ottaviano
University of Cassino, Italy
Erika Ottaviano is Associate Professor and Departmental Coordinator for the International Relations at the Dept. of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. Since 2004, she is member of the IFToMM Technical Committee for Computational Kinematics (TCCK). She served as secretary of this Committee from 2009 to 2017. Since 2014, she served as project evaluator for Int. Science Foundation programs at EU and Non EU level. Since 2011, she served as a member of the Editorial Board of the Int. Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Sage Journals, since 2015 she served as Associate Editor, section “Medical Robotics”. Since 2012, she has been appointed Editor for the Int. Journal of Imaging and Robotics (ISSN 2231-525X). Since 2015, she has been appointed Associate Editor for Mechatronics of the Journal of Applied Sciences, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, from 2016, she is Editor for American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Science Publications. Since 2015, she serves as University Evaluator for the ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) and project evaluator for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). From 2021 to 2024, she is member of the ESF College of Expert Reviewers (European Science Foundation). Since July 2022 she is Panel Member and evaluator for the National Science Center, Poland, Section Physical Science and Engineering.
Research interests cover aspects of Mechanics, Robotics and Mechanical Design of Manipulators and Mobile Robots, with special emphasis on robotic and mechatronic solutions for the inspection of structures and infrastructures by mobile unmanned systems. Specific focus is devoted on the design, simulation and experimental tests on unmanned inspection robots for ground and maritime critical infrastructures.
She served as member of the PhD defenses of 13 scientists. She is author and/or co-author of more than 180 papers published in Proceedings of Int. Conferences or in Journals and as book chapters.
Roberto Trevisani
Roberto Trevisani received the B.S. in computer engineering from Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona in 2004 and the M.S. in electronic engineering from Università di Bologna, Bologna in 2007. He has been employed by GEM elettronica since 2007 and has worked principally within research & development department in the development of radar signal and data processing in particular aimed to improve maritime radar performances. He also worked extensively on the data processing of Fire Control Systems (FCS), Optronic Systems, Oil Spill Detection and Wave Measurement Systems. His current activities concern integrated sensors systems for surveillance and defence.
Natalia Shyriaieva
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
Associate Prof. Natalia Shyriaieva graduated at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” as Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD) in the field of Dynamics and Strength of Machines in 2013. The PhD research was done in the area of the vibrations of nonlinear rotating dynamical systems and partly conducted at the Structural Dynamics Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. Her mathematical background was in demand among the management and financial studies. Thus, her teaching career was developing in the international business and finance, where she gained her associate professorship certificate. During her academic career and separately from the university she also got a certificate from private IT school in "Web development with Python". Currently, she is working as an Associate Professor at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. Natalia does her research in corporate foresight, international business 4.0, gamification as a corporate learning strategy, global value chains. She coordinated and participated in varuios international projects for academic mobility and research (Erasmus, DAAD). The recent project, Natalia coordinated, was the “Capacity Building for Ukraine (CaBifU): Sustainable Securing of Ukrainian teaching and research” under the program “Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis (2022)” funded by DAAD. She is involved in lecturing, student’s supervision, research, and project management activities. She is also a lecturer in the subjects of Corporate foresight in International Business, Global Value Chains, Export-Import Operations management, Mathematical Modelling in Management. She has actively contributed and published research articles in various international journals and conferences.
Iryna Sitak
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
Associate Prof. Iryna Sitak graduated at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” as Candidate of Economics and Management (PhD) in the field of Economics and management of enterprises in 2021. The PhD research was done in the area of the Management of the economic sustainability of the enterprise. Iryna’s teaching career was developing in international business and finance. During her academic career she took part in research projects, International scientific and practical conferences, research internships. She also graduated at the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics as a Master in the field of Finance and credit in 2021. Currently, she is working as an Associate Professor at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. Iryna does her research in Strategic management, Economic sustainability of enterprises, International business 4.0, International management, Gamification as a corporate learning strategy. Iryna participated in international projects for academic mobility and research (DAAD). Recent mobility program she took part in, was the training in international project “Capacity Building for Ukraine (CaBifU): Sustainable Securing of Ukrainian teaching and research” under the program “Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis (2022)” funded by DAAD, and she also received a research grant in the frame of DAAD project "Ukraine Digital 2022". She is involved in student’s supervision, research, and project management activities. Iryna is also a lecturer in the subjects of International management, Export-Import Operations management, International teamwork and Joint venture management, Investment, International financial system. She has actively contributed and published research articles in various international journals and conferences.
Henry Vallius
Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), Finland
Henry Vallius is a marine geologist with a Ph.D. in geochemistry of Baltic Sea sediments and works as senior scientist at the Geological Survey of Finland. He has over 30 years of experience in marine science from research cruises in the Baltic Sea as well as the Atlantic Ocean and has published over 50 peer reviewed papers. He acts as the coordinator of the EU funded EMODnet Geology project, which deals with collection and harmonization of marine geological data from European seas and beyond. He also has a position as adjunct professor in marine geology and marine geochemistry at Åbo Akademi University, Finland.
Eduardo De Francesco
born in Messina on 10/20/1948, graduated in Electronic Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin in 1973.
Co-founder of SIPAL in 1976
SeTeL R&D Director from 1983 to 1992,
President of SiTiN since 1992.
President of SeTel since 2007
Retired in 2011, he continues to head the SeTeL R&D department.
President of SiTiN from 2021
Over 50 research projects in 40 years of activity in the role.
Other experience
President and founder of the SGML User Group Italy in 1993
Professor of Computer Science at the University of Calabria, 2000-2001
Professor of Computer Science at Rome S Pio V University , Faculty of Economics, from 2001 to 2011.
Lecturer of Integrated Logistic Support at Chemical Engineering Department of Sapienza University, Rome Italy and at Faculty of
Engineering of Genoa (2005-2012)
Vice President of Aerospace and Defense Regional SME Association (Federlazio)
Lecturer of Integrated Logistics Support Engineering at CEFLI (Italian MoD Joint Logistics Training Center), from 2010 to 2015
President of the MRONET network
Lecturer, of Measurements for Logistic Support Analysis at Roma3 University (2016 - in progress)